Australia Immigration News for Students | Lockdown or Not?

Hi everyone in today’s article we are going to discuss the latest news about international students here on Australia and what’s the current scenario here in Australia and let’s hope the borders were open without any further ado let’s get started.

The president and the federal government has said that and has made a statement that   the international students would come back to Australia only if 70 of the eligible occupation is vaccinated that being said Australia is one of the slowest countries to get the adults and to get the eligible adults to get vaccinated and get back to normal. Allen Touch the educational minister has also said that 70 percent of the eligible population must be vaccinated until then.

International students would not come back this statement was given on august 16th and they are looking at getting most of the people vaccinated by mid next year until which international students must keep their hopes high to come back to Australia if you wish to during a roundtable conference that recently happened.

Australian government is building a 18-month roadmap to bring back international students and to revive international education here in Australia because it has been one year that the borders have been closed and none of them were even coming back to Australia the revenue has stooped so low 18 month road map consists of processes like accepting international students from low risk countries having a proper visa you know package and also a proper marketing campaigns to revive international education here in Australia having better courses  and giving from maybe maybe giving better discounts to students.


The current scenario here in Australia is actually getting controlled meaning New South wales has been having 800 plus cases  on per day basis and even Victoria’s cases are growing wherein even act Perth Queensland and all the other states definitely have some of the cases some of the states have went into lockdown and they have released the limitations.

But New South wales and Victoria are currently in lockdown to  also mention new south wales is in lockdown since more than two months so I hope you guys remember  the pilot plan that they have um created that definitely goes behind the shelves now because that’s not going to come back and Victoria has been in lockdown for about more than three weeks now and it is currently would be in log dance until September 2nd may extend may not extend 

As per last year promises that the government has made that the borders might open in the late 2021.   the you know it doesn’t look so promising um for the borders to be opened by late 2021 we believe it would be next year if the situation gets better and if the eligible population is getting vaccinated a lot of universities and colleges and other small businesses which were heavily reliant upon international students

Travel and tourism they have literally lost all their businesses because of the strict restrictions that Australia posed towards it international towards   the international borders but that being said the cases are still getting worse and Australia has   been one of the slowest countries to administrate the public to go and get vaccinated there have   been lot of protests that have been going here in Sydney and Melbourne because of extensive   lockdowns that are happening and they claim to be affecting the mental health of the public 

This is the current scenario here in Australia now it’s your turn and it’s your choice to decide whether you would want to go ahead with Australia (Global Gateways again is one of the finest in business to settle students abroad) or choose any other country we hope this article was quite helpful for you guys don’t forget to comment if you have any queries.

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