Canada Immigrations News | Latest Updates

Canada Immigration | Education and Immigration in Canada. We have great news for you today! Canada made a very big announcement. Canada will invite 832,000 immigrants over the next 2 years as Permanent Residents of Canada.

This means Canada will invite more than 400,000 immigrants per year in 2022 and 2023. You might ask, Why is Canada setting its immigration target so high.  

The truth is, immigrants contribute greatly to Canada’s economy. Canada strongly believes it’s the key to both short-term   economic recovery and long-term prosperity. In short, Canada needs more workers, and immigration is the best way to get them. Furthermore, immigrants create jobs.

1 in 3 businesses in Canada are owned by an immigrant. Those business owners are creating hundreds of thousands of jobs for Canadians. There are 3 major categories under section 12 of the immigration act. Family Reunification, Economic Immigration, and Refugees.

Global Gateways - Canada Immigration News
Global Gateways – Canada Immigration News

We will briefly discuss Family Reunification and Economic Immigration in this article. Family Reunification means there is a Canadian Citizen, or Permanent Resident of Canada, who wants to sponsor a family member in Canada. It’s most commonly used to sponsor a spouse, common-law partner, your dependents, including children, parents, or grandparents.

However, It’s possible to sponsor a brother, sister, nephew, or niece. Keeping families together is important to Canada, which is why they will continue to support family reunification. Economic Immigration is the most common pathway   for people who wish to become Permanent Residents of Canada.

You can take advantage of this pathway while residing in Canada or from your home country. It’s based on your skill set, education, age, employability in Canada, or your financial situation. Economic Immigration will account for 60% of the 832,000 immigrants in 2022 and 2023. So what are you waiting for? Start planning for your future today.  

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