Career Counselling

Introduction to a very powerful Psychometric Analysis Tool called “Dermatoglyphics” which can be used to identify INNATE of a student and can be useful in taking an informed decision about the career a student should choose.

“Dermatoglyphics” is a very specialized tool which uses a persons FINGERPRINTS as the basic input to conduct the Psychometric Analysis of a person. “Dermatoglyphics” is a scientific study of fingerprint patterns, which helps identify the INNATE Behavior of an individual.

We are sure you will appreciate that if the INNATE Behavioral Characteristics are identified, the individual or his parents or guardians will be able to take an informed decision about the career the student should opt for.

These INNATE Characteristics identified by this analysis let the person know the following details (And much more)
• Born strengths and focus areas
• Learning style (Auditory, Visual, Tactile or Read-Write)
• Thinking style (How they think and what motivates them)
• Efforts required to acquire information and knowledge in various field and subjects
• Decision making capabilities
• Relationship building capabilities
• Negotiants skills
• Visionary abilities
• Various lifestyle behaviors like Postponement, Determination or Stubbornness, Talkative, listening abilities and many more points which directly or indirectly impact the persons growth and carrier.

We are sure a person of good intellect will understand and appreciate the importance of knowing specific details of an individual student on the above points. All these points contribute to the success of a person’s carrier and professional life in a big way.

If we have to use the other conventional psychometric analysis tools to identify the above-mentioned characteristics in an individual, it will not only take a lot of time and efforts, but will also not be as conclusive as it is in this analysis.

We have seen the results of these analysis over the past decade and are hence confident that if your institution allows us to introduce this tool to your students, this will add to the image of your institution and build confidence in the parents of the students when the student makes a carrier choice based on the details they get from this analysis.

What is Dermatoglyphics?

Dermatoglyphics (from ancient Greek derma = “skin”, glyph = “carving”) is the scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint analysis, even though the process of fingerprint identification had already been in use for several hundred years. All primates have ridged skin. It can also be found on the paws of certain mammals, and on the tails of some monkey species. In humans and animals, dermatoglyphs are present on fingers, palms, toes and soles. This helps shed light on a critical period of embryogenesis, between four weeks and five months, when the architecture of the major organ systems is developing. The word Dermatoglyphics is tied with the word uncopyrightable as the longest English words without any repeating letters.

How does Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis (DMIT) help me?

DMIA a revolutionary system to help an individual identify their talents, build them into strengths and enjoy consistent and fulfil the ultimate need of self actualization. DMIA is the system that identifies the most prevalent human intrinsic potential with the theory of human genetic inheritance. Every child / person possesses unique qualities and potential. If through scientific methods, we can understand a Childs / persons innate characteristics and aptitude, we can better teach them. If one is naturally already strong, with more clarity, the strong gets stronger. However, if one is naturally already weak and then is not developed in later life/stages, one may lose that ability. As such, it is vital to give the accurate and right stimulation as soon as possible to avoid the deterioration of precious ability.

How does it help Parents?

Parents are in a better position to guide the learning experience of their child depending on their child’s natural ability and their learning style. Child development research has established that the rate of human learning and development is most rapid in the preschool years and hence it is very important to spot & identify Childs strengths & development areas at an early age. Early intervention becomes particularly important when a child runs the risk of missing an opportunity to learn during a state of maximum readiness. If the most teachable moments or stages of greatest readiness are not taken advantage of, a child may have difficulty learning a particular skill at a later time. Only through early identification and proper nurturing can children develop their potential. It is important that the nurturing starts young. If a child does not get the right kind of stimulus at the right age the neurological circuits will not develop properly, hence, compromising performance in that particular area.

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